Fashion Exploration: Overture in Harmony

Cheyqua in Indonesia Fashion, Industry News, Runway Report — December 30th, 2008

“Fashion Exploration: Overture in Harmony” was the title of the two-day shows recently held by APPMI (Asosiasi Perancang Pengusaha Mode Indonesia), on December 3rd and December 4th, 2008. Arriving from 8 Indonesian provinces, the designers who are also members of APPMI, brought in various inspirations to their collections. Although they had different views of the upcoming 2009 fashion trend, each of them shared one common mission: exploring Indonesian cultures.
Despite of the fact that their aim was to show the trend forecast of 2009, I didn’t see anything new. On the first day, almost every designers used beads, lace, and the “usual” Indonesian pretty details. Those who offered cutting edge fashion and new innovative prints mostly came from Bali, Bandung and of course, Jakarta.
On the other hand, I am certain that there are a lot of Indonesian beauties which haven’t been explored. So let’s hope we would be seeing big improvement in future collections of talented Indonesian designers on the next “Tendance de la mode” show.


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