Grand Opening Louis Vuitton Global Store
Quick updates from grand opening Louis Vuitton global store at Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta! I'll keep it less words, more pics!
This is the VIP room. When you make an appointment for purchasing 'something', your sales assistant will prepare your 'things' in this room. So when you arrive at the store, you'll find everything is already there, for you!
My photographer fellow, Panji Indra, was also looking at the mirror!

And it's me, back again taking self-portrait!
Feeling familiar with this look? Yes, I got inspired when I was playing dress-up last two days.
Lace kebaya: my mom's vintage
Blue mini dress: Dorothy Perkins
Latex leggings: ebay
Shoes: Zara
Bag: Limited Collection by Marks and Spencer
Somebody asked me what brand is my kebaya and I replied it's vintage. Is it a big turn-off to wear vintage to a big fashion event? I mean, I'm nobody and cannot afford to buy designer stuff so why should I force myself to have one?
beruntungnyah kamu..
Yakampun qod, make kebaya nenek2-nya.. tp okeh lohh.. hihihi..
hehehe.. actually I wanna pull off the lace trend but unluckily I don't have enough cash to buy something lacey so I just stole my mom's lace kebaya. it's lace anyway!! LOL
piye tas nya??
penasaran ni nekk..
mmm. btw pasar atom itu ada si surabaya. ya mirip mirip sm mangdu jkt gt deh hehe
btw. aku link yah
met kenal :]
btw, mbak kerjanya dimana? asyik banget kayaknya..
# clairdelalune: I'm working as an associate editor in and also assisting one of the top fashion stylists in town, Thornandes James. :D
masih bingung mau beli kamera yang mana hehe :D
mungkin ada sedikit masukan gituu ? hehe .
oyaa btw nice blog kak :)
aku link yaaa :)
i love lui vui <3 cest un tres chic brand...;p
i love the steven sprouse special edition collection
i look forward to purchasing the special edition speedy ! xoxo
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