Dressed to Kill

Cheyqua in Street Snap — March 1st, 2009

Who: Sigi Wimala, model
Where: Grand Opening Louis Vuitton Global Store at Plaza Indonesia
What: This is mad. The leather jacket and the handgun embossed on her clutch were totally a head-shot. Okay, she’s a model so she can wear anything she wants, even with that pretty messy hairdo. So, be careful to say bad comments about her outfit because she might as well shot you on the head.


Andhari said…
The top is okay but not rally feeling the skirt for the top and the clutch. Just saying.
kaitlyn said…
wow, great skirt. love your blog.
Anonymous said…
That skirt is just a little bit wonderful. x
Anonymous said…
hm...agak ga suka dengan jasnya...rasanya nggak cocok banget dengan dressnya
mending dia copot aja jasnya
Eyeliah said…
no bad comments here, that outfit is fab!
i love this outfit. the skirt is absolutely amazing. love how she edged it up w/the jkt and accessories.
Wina said…
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Wina said…
wowww she took risks by clashing styles n it totally worked!

i tink shes a rere gem loh buat celeb indo! kbykkan took risks and failed hahhaa..
Diana Ang said…
skirt nya cantik luoh :D

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