Men in Style
Cheyqua in Editorial, Men's Fashion — March 30th, 2009

I always adore men who are well dressed. They have more positive points to my eyes., not because I love fashion so I require my man to do the same (and the fact is no, I don’t have a man at the moment :p), don’t you all agree that a well dressed man looks better than those who are careless and pretend so hard to look as if they don’t care about what they are wearing?
Everytime I browse The Sartorialist I always wish that there are better dressed men in and around Jakarta . The truth of the matter is; most men I see are wearing the same thing. Shirt + pants, shirt + jeans, and their best effort seem to be wearing a vest or blazer over shirt. That’s all. Even if the trend is evolving, they seem not to have enough guts to pull it off. One of many excuses I have heard is, “Straight men don't do fashion things.”
It’s so sad, isn’t it? How most men are stuck into such paradigm, that straight men can’t like fashion. I‘m not really sure whether this is only happening in Indonesia or this is also applies in other countries, my guess is that our culture won’t let men to pay much attention to fashion. Just open our history book, see what Indonesian men wore back in the past. Most of them were topless and sometimes they just covered their intimate parts with sarong or just a piece of cloth. Well-dressed men mostly came from royal or rich family, or at least those who had power.
There is hope however. Perhaps the growth of fashion media nowadays could help men have more consideration in fashion. I have started to realize how menswear has become very huge in the world’s fashion industry. Many fashion designers and celebrities who become designers have launched their new menswear line. Remember ladies, no markets, no new lines. So, isn’t it quite obvious that apparently men started to heart fashion as much as we do?
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winter mas?
mau kemana mas?
ungkapan2 laen yang semestinya nggak perlu lagi diucapin untuk hari gini
tu buktinya cowo2 di luar sana bisa gaya tanpa disebut aneh kan
masalahnya para lelaki di indonesia ga punya "guts" aja buat nyoba
padahal banyak bgt variasi clothing yang bisa dicoba kan
ayo pra wanita kita harus semangati para lelaki ini biar bisa lebi namfil hahahaa
love ur article...hope the guys out there read this n start to reconstruct their outfit
@evelynly: menurut gua orang2 yang pada teriak kaya gitu justru contoh konkrit orang2 yang blom bisa appreciate fashion.. gak cuma kalo bajunya kaya yang di foto2 itu koq (susah bokk nyari poto2 baju2 summer hueee).. I guess, mata masyarakat kita emang blom siap memberikan kebebasan dalam berpakaian ke setiap orang.. just my two cents
@narita: iya neik.. kayaknya emang harus ada 'trend' untuk tampil fashionable di kalangan pria deh. but I don't think our men would pretty much follow this kinda trend actually.. *sigh*
just my opinion
kecuali some italian men i've seen. in summer, i'ver seen some italians were wearing kinda transparent shirt with silk scarf around their neck, and cool sunnies. kinda too much for my taste sih hihihihi....
as for myself, in minimal i like to see men who look cool in whatever their wearing, even if it's only just a plain white shirt and cool (ripped) jeans. the most important thing (to me) is that they have to look clean, polished (or well-groomed) and know how to carry himself.
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