Une Jour Voyage

For the first time in my life, I went out of town all by myself. So I went to Bandung, it's only like 130KM from Jakarta but still, this is the farthest trip I've ever done all alone. At first I intended to cheer up my broken-hearted bestfriend, but I ended up asking him to take my photographs LOL. He's a damn good friend and yet a damn good photographer also. Besides, there are loads of beautiful spots in Bandung (esp. at Institut Teknologi Bandung, his college) and I was like, "Shoot! I wish I were smarter so I could spend such a joyeous moment in this amazing college!". Seriously, this college is to-die-for! And perhaps this is what my Psychology of Education professor called "good environment for learning". And compared to my college? Real trash. LOL.
tetep ah, keren gaya lo walopun santai..
dikau bersenang2 skali..
jadi ikud senang melihatnya.. :)
@ dina: hahaha segitu apanya yang oke neik.. hihihi.. ayo kapan kita rame2 ke sana? yukkk..
tetep ya bokk..jalan2 tak tentu arah aja gaye hueheheee
seneng dah liat outfit lu..sedrhana tapi sedap dipandang akakakkaakkkk
cup..cup muah..
@ narita: bisa aje lo!! yukk kapan bareng2.. :D
sok atuh diperbincangkan hehehehe
Laugh more, beyb!