Dancing Shoes
Don't you just love great, beautiful shoes? Don't you think that wearing beautiful shoes can makes us happy, or at least, more confident?
No I'm not talking about Manolos, Louboutins, Zanottis, or Kirkwoods. This photo series titled "Dancing Shoes (The Perfect Shoe of Pop Music)" show you that not only fashionistas who love great and beautiful shoes, but musicians too. They make music, they please their groupies with their outstanding performance, they amuse their fans on the stage or the gigs, and they show the world what a great shoe-shopper they are. :)
click here for other dancing shoes images
Daaaaaamn. Those shoes are just sooooo great, right?! Besides, I really love the concept of this photoseries :) Kudos to Gerrit Starczewski, the photographer!
Photographs courtesy: http://starphotograph.blogspot.com/
Photographs courtesy: http://starphotograph.blogspot.com/
sepatu2nya HITS!!!
musician tu emang palin berani nampil dan bereksperimen ya..cool!!
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