Paris! Paris!
Ohhh joy. I was asked by the famous, young, and talented Indonesian fashion photographer Nicoline Patricia Malina to help her on the photoshoot project for her photo exhibition. I was really overjoyed and super excited. Beforehand, I made sure that she did really wanted me to be the fashion stylist because I knew my capacity. I'm still a newbie in this industry, c'mon! There are loads of outstanding fashion stylist out there and it's just so hard to believe that she trusts me. And so, like a dream came true, she helped me build my portfolio. Envy me! :D

Coach wristlet, and red hat from French.
Come and see the photo exhibition at Airlangga Restaurant, Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan Jakarta
6 - 14 July 2009.
Ps: I'm gonna post all the photos once I got them from Nicoline. Stay tuned. :D
Ditunggu foto2 lainnya cinn..
makin dekat untuk menjadi profesional..
bangganyaaaaaa.. :)
selamaat yaa..
aku turut syenankk!!
though i can't reach the exhibiton to watch it. But i'm truly sure your works are GREAAAAAAATTT!!! Congrats Chekka! <3
I love your outfit. it's very french. so chic!
kesuksesan segera menghampiri anda..hihi
congrats to u :)
anw,i love ur blog :)
wanna exchange link?
please reply on my blog :D
I miss your posts.... on holliday as everybody?
c u & take care....
looks like your having fun :)
Paris is just a dream for everyone :)))
Great blog!