Portfolio: Fashion Spreads
Hello, strangers! Yeay finally I'm back to the blogeverse after I left this blog abandoned due to the ridiculous hiatus since a couple of weeks ago. I just started doing the undergraduate thesis this semester (oh please everyone, wish me luck!), got loads of shitty assignments, and yet some terrible things happened in a row, so I couldn't even manage to update this blog. Not even close to remember that I actually run a fashion blog. LOL. However, everything's pretty much all okay now, after I tried so freaking hard to sort em out. *sigh*
So, let me tell you one of the terrible things happened to me. So there was this 'someone' from 'this' magazine (not a famous one in my country) asked me to be a contributing fashion stylist for October issue. Honestly, I've heard so much from my fashion seniors how this magazine has a really bad reputation and I accepted their offer to contribute simply because I need the money. Long story short, I could say that they are the most horrible client ever because they'd PING me on Blackberry Messenger in the midnight, haunting me like a maniac, told me to do this and that (which is def OUT of a stylist's job desc), etc. The worst thing was, in the end, after all the hassles and dramas, they rejected my spreads and didn't want to pay the contributor's fees (the photographers, models, makeup artists, me as the stylist) with no confirmation whatsoever. Seriously, canny tricks.
I could write a novel to share this effin story, so let's just cut it now. Teehee. It was pretty hard for me to cope with the shit because.. ah whatever, too complicated. It still hurts to rewrite the chronology and everything, so I'm really sorry I can't share every single details. It's so fukin terrible to be ripped off like this.
Well I can share some of the frames, though.. Here you go!
I could write a novel to share this effin story, so let's just cut it now. Teehee. It was pretty hard for me to cope with the shit because.. ah whatever, too complicated. It still hurts to rewrite the chronology and everything, so I'm really sorry I can't share every single details. It's so fukin terrible to be ripped off like this.
Well I can share some of the frames, though.. Here you go!

Photographer: Andri Wibowo.
Wardrobe: Priyo Oktaviano, Sapto Djojokartiko, Barli Asmara
Model: Alexandra (Bern's Models)
Make Up Artist: Adrian Suryapradipa (Bmgt)

Photographer: Raditya Arya Pratama
Wardrobe: Priyo Oktaviano, Spous by Priyo Oktaviano for Fashion First, Sapto Djojokartiko
Model: Kasya (Bern's Models)
Make Up Artist: Derry Smit
Wardrobe: Priyo Oktaviano, Spous by Priyo Oktaviano for Fashion First, Sapto Djojokartiko
Model: Kasya (Bern's Models)
Make Up Artist: Derry Smit
try to forget them...
I cam across your blog whilst searching for Sapto Djojokartiko. I'm from KL and would love to pay Djojokartiko's boutique a visit since I'll be in JKT this weekend. Would you know where it is located?
Btw, you have a very interesting blog!
Jl. Villa Sawo kav.17 Cipete Utara Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
you can email me for further info :)
i'm still curious what that mag is hmmmmm oh well just forget it
oh yaa do you mind exchanging links with me ?
WOWWW.....what a nice blog you have.
i know kasya and alexandra...i,ve ever been used the models before....
they are the greatest models that i,ve ever used.....
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