I Might be Wrong

It's been ages since the last time I posted my outfit pics. Sometimes I feel like posting outfit pics is somewhat stupid or whatever (no offense to anyone), but on the other side it feels so good. :D You know, to me it's like a guilty pleasure or something like that. I keep on asking my friend to take some pictures of mine especially when I'm in somewhere nice or, when I think I'm well dressed hehehe. :)
I personally don't think I'm well dressed on these pics, but I really love this place to pieces and I wanna show you how cool this place is. It's a small 'restaurant' in Bendungan Hilir Jakarta, called "Koffie Doeloe" (Old Coffee). Yet everything in this place is so vintage and you'll find many many antique decor and stuff. Love, love, love this place!
I personally don't think I'm well dressed on these pics, but I really love this place to pieces and I wanna show you how cool this place is. It's a small 'restaurant' in Bendungan Hilir Jakarta, called "Koffie Doeloe" (Old Coffee). Yet everything in this place is so vintage and you'll find many many antique decor and stuff. Love, love, love this place!
i love the top!
visit me y...
nice style*
Have a great week-end*
i just wish we had weather where i am so i could wear amazing tights like yours.
here's my blog
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