Have Love will Travel
Howdy! Sorry for the delayed updates. Blogging is quite a hard task for a moody bitch like me. Teehee. If you follow my Twitter then you must know that WOMWorld/Nokia invited me to trial a new Nokia Pink N8. It was only for 2weeks but well I think that's enough to explore the features. To exploit the magnificent 12MP camera, to be exact. The only turn-off about Nokia Pink N 8 is that it takes more time and effort to upload the photos to Twitter, so I can't shoot and tweet. However, apart from that I must say that this is such a cool handset.
Now I'm just going to show you a couple of pictures that were taken on my trip to Surabaya, "Sahabat Museum" tour, and *cough* a fashion shoot with Fimela.com.
Here are the photos taken with the Nokia N8 Pink. All of them are unedited due to the fact that I just don't feel like editing them (pardon me for being lazy).
The first batch is Surabaya trip!
The first batch is Surabaya trip!
Suramadu bridge.
Beautiful and cheap Batik cloths sold by street vendors in Madura. I bought so many and ended up having no idea what I'm gonna do with them all. Hehe.
Intermezzo. This is me posing in front of Surabaya Heritage Track. Reminds me of The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour bus in some ways hehe. Taken with iPhone camera and edited with instagram.
Intermezzo. This is me posing in front of Surabaya Heritage Track. Reminds me of The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour bus in some ways hehe. Taken with iPhone camera and edited with instagram.
Visited House of Sampoerna in Surabaya. So many beautiful old photos and vintage stuff.
Okay next is Sahabat Museum trip to Pitung's house. In case you have zero knowledge about Pitung, well he is a folklore Betawian hero in the colonial era. Just google him if you want to know more about him. Hehe.
And by the way, this batch is taken with my iPhone camera.
And by the way, this batch is taken with my iPhone camera.
The last batch! For the first time in my life as a fashion stylist, I became a model for a fashion shoot! My stylist fellow Dien Tirto Buwono asked me to enslave myself in front of the camera for Fimela.com fashion pages. It was awkward and fun at the same time. But seriously, I'd still rather be a stylist than a model. I am not good at modelling at all. Haha.
And the results!
That's all folks! Have a nice day.
Wisata Jawa
Java Tourism
Java Travel