Structured Mood

Mango skinny pants. Steve Madden shoes.
This outfit was inspired by Balmain S/S 2009/2010 structured look, but in a thrift way. :p
Well anyway, big big thanks to my stylish friend, Dhyta Stain on My Red Shoes, for taking these amazing photos. Yes, the photos are amazing. I am not. LOL!
And thanks so so so much for the sweet comments you left me!!!
again..rockin' sssshhhoooooeeessss...!!
o btw, i love stain on my red shoes too. u both have gorgeous style!
anyway..great photo, awesome outfit
love the blazer also
tp omong2, 2 poto terakhir lo warna nya sama gtu bokk
celana item..blus putih..dan blazer biru..tapi bisa totally different look gtu
keren nekk!!
maap deyhh qod.. maafkan hamba..
:D *kecup dulu ah.. :-* muah..
keren cuy blazernya..
spatunya si ya gua naksir bener da ah..
lagi doyan perpaduan putih-biru-hitam kah??
kereennn.... <3
ni beneran dari gua.. :D
peding di blazernya di copot [setau gue bisa dicopot]
biar ga terlalu tinggi" amad gt..
jd kesannya ga jadul" amad xD
@ narita: iya nihh ga sengaja loh padahal hahah..
@ stainonmyredshoes: hayukk.. maap yaa poto gua kurang memuaskan huhu.. bagus elonya keren jadi terlihat keren lah itu poto hueee..
@ ragil: iye neik.. kmaren dateng gak sih?
@ Mads: heyy thank you! I'm gonna check out your blog right now ;D
@ anonymous: bokkk, justru ini gua tambahin lohh shoulder padsnya to give stronger look hueee.. kurang oke ya neik? :)
great look!
much love
Love ur blog :D
X Hanna
(thank god i saw your blog!)
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