Yes It was True!

Thrifted blazer. Dorothy Perkins minidress. Oasis bag.
Sequins leggings from eBay. Pedder Red shoes.
(Pardon my sick face. I was suffering from gastritis thingy)
Not in the mood for dressing up, having the "I-have-nothing-to-wear" syndrome or "I-have-too-many-clothes-to-wear-and-I-don't-know-which-one-to-wear-now" syndrome? I guess it the second one, though. It's so sick when you know you have loads of clothes but you ended up wearing the same old stuff over and over again. Maybe I should create a psychological theraphy for this kind of syndrome (I learn psychology, remember? Hehehe).
Wore this outfit to Jamiroquai concert last night. It was great although they didn't play "Virtual Insanity", my all time fave. However, I love how Jay Kay communicated with the audience pretty often. Brandon Boyd disappointed me with his coldness last year.
Thanks Vanya, for taking my today's outfit pic. :)
Blazer yg kusuka tuh, bagus!!
Walaupun lo lg ga mood tapi tetep oke koq, ga perlu bikin psychological therapy lah..
oh and where in Asia are you from?
lebih mantabh lagi konsernya.. bikin iri ajaaa.....
btw would you like to trade links?
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love to exchange links...have already added you to my blog roll :)
Hope your gastritis thingy is over.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment! <3
tapi disini gaya lo boyish banget nekk
Thanks for sweet comments!! bisous xx ;D
@ stain on my red shoes: tenkyu dhyt.. tapi yg lebih keren banyak neik kmaren hehehehe.. ;p
@ jess: wow that's a good idea! maybe I should dig out my mom's closet as well ;D
@ rosanna: thank you ;D I'm from Indonesia.
@ nitya: ahahahahhaha.. bisa aja deh kamyuuu!! masa eike dibanding-bandingin sihhh hahahah..
@ dinda: makasih ya cantikkk.. hehehe.. yahh pokoknya sindrom2 seperti itu yang menghambat pertampilan kite bukaann.. hahahha..
such envy....
I loooooove Jamiroquai, his music just makes me happy........
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