Mozaic Bargains

I love this dress so damn much and I believe we are meant to be. :) So here's the story behind this quirky dress... I always go bananas while thrifting and when I was almost done for the day, I found this dress at my regular seller's place. Yes lovelies, thrift stores in Jakarta aren't like stores in US for example. It's more like a traditional market that sells second-hand clothes and yes, second-hand undergarments. So, back to the story, I fell in love with the vintage dress instantly..
Me: How much is it?
Seller: $ 3
Me: No way. $ 1
Seller: You're kidding me.
Me: Look, I only have $2 left, so give it to me for $1.
Seller: Yea because you shopped a lot at other places. (Looking at my HUGE plastic bags)
Me: Please, $1. I always shop at your place, I never buy anything for more than $2 here!
Seller: Yes and I could go bankrupt in two days. Go back tomorrow. I'll keep it for you.
Me: Don't sell it to anyone or I'll kill you. *evil grin*
Seller: Well if someone could afford it for $3 or more, why not? I give you the best price you can get. *bigger grin*
Okay. I was freakin worried someone would buy that dress. So two weeks later I decided to go thrifting again and managed to buy that dress. I assured myself that no one would buy that dress but me. Teehee.. :p
Seller: Ah there you are.
Me: Where's my dress?
Seller: $3
Me: Hell no. $1
Seller: What the hell! I wish you didn't come back for this dress.
Me: Here, $1. Give me that dress.
And voila, here I am wearing the dream dress. How I love bargaining. Even in a harsh way. :)
Me: How much is it?
Seller: $ 3
Me: No way. $ 1
Seller: You're kidding me.
Me: Look, I only have $2 left, so give it to me for $1.
Seller: Yea because you shopped a lot at other places. (Looking at my HUGE plastic bags)
Me: Please, $1. I always shop at your place, I never buy anything for more than $2 here!
Seller: Yes and I could go bankrupt in two days. Go back tomorrow. I'll keep it for you.
Me: Don't sell it to anyone or I'll kill you. *evil grin*
Seller: Well if someone could afford it for $3 or more, why not? I give you the best price you can get. *bigger grin*
Okay. I was freakin worried someone would buy that dress. So two weeks later I decided to go thrifting again and managed to buy that dress. I assured myself that no one would buy that dress but me. Teehee.. :p
Seller: Ah there you are.
Me: Where's my dress?
Seller: $3
Me: Hell no. $1
Seller: What the hell! I wish you didn't come back for this dress.
Me: Here, $1. Give me that dress.
And voila, here I am wearing the dream dress. How I love bargaining. Even in a harsh way. :)
tapi membuahkan hasil!!
cuma lo yang bisa kaya gitu qod..
Itu pertarungan sengit antara lo and mira yak?? :))
Ckckck.. kasian abang2 dan inang2 yg jadiin lo langganannya, hwe..
and you did it great!
u rocks! hahahaha
LMAO!!!!!! so true when we need something so badly
great outfit! no wonder you'd kill for that dress :)
@ phuce: bukan sama mira neik.. sama si abang yg satu itu.. hehehe..
@ talisha: I always go to Pasar Senen or Pasar Baru for thrifting :)
purfect blend!!
and love ur booties darl!! i'm so proud of you *big grin*
Baru mau kompliment, "elo vintage sekali hari ini" dan sangat feminin. Ternyata di balik ke-feminin-anmu itu ada preman thrifting kyahhahah..
Tapi keren Chek. You look like you just came out of the set "That 60's Show"
@ ragil: heheheheheh.. susah buu masih kere.. can't afford that branded stuff tapi ngotot pengen keliatan gaya ahahahha..
I added your link on my blog ;)
much love
(You know that).
**padahal sambil deg2an ngeri abangnya tiba2 sensi*
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