Punchdrunk Love

Next bodycon dress. Steve Madden shoes.
Let me presenting my top-of-the-pop vintage find ever! Hehehe. This sweater is one of the most expensive vintage items I ever bought but it's worth it. I adore the craftsmanship of this sweater and FYI, this sweater is so damn heavy because of the sequins and the crystals and yes, it is made by 100% wool! C'est formidable, n'est-ce pas?!
u'r such a very smart thrift shopper
envy..envy!! *big grin*
amazing outfit+shoes and great photos babe!!
Just rushing out the door - I've actually got a streetstyle photoshoot deadline : ) - have added your lovely blog under 'nice things'
later -
nggak ada yang nyaingin!!
Fotonya dimana tuh?? SERU!! Mengingatkan gw akan "sesuatu".. :D
anw .
i've link ur blog in my blog ..
Ohoh, I added you to my blogroll. :D
the detailing is incredible.
btw, that place couldn't be more perfect to take pictures!
WOW! nothing else i can say.
Anyway wanna swap link?
btw, love ur blog :D
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